Building Your Bench – Succession Planning

Building Your Bench – Sustaining Your Team

Selecting and developing future executives and managers is an essential task.

Building Your Bench – it’s a phrase we hear quite often.  When people talk about their ‘bench,’ they make reference to sports teams.  While some of these sports analogies may apply, organizational ‘bench building’ is also uniquely different.  Building a strong bench should be of paramount concern, particularly in developing effective managers, and executives.  All organizations need to find and develop the next generation of leaders if they want to survive, let alone thrive.  But most experts agree that only a few organizations truly master succession planning/management.

Ask yourself these questions:

– How will you find the best person to replace you?

– When an important person retires or moves on, how is organizational productivity adversely affected?



This high-energy, informative program covers:

  • The Principles of Bench Building
  • Succession Planning
  • Mentoring (formal & informal), Coaching, and Effective Feedback Techniques
  • Management Collaboration
  • Teambuilding Enhancement
  • Conflict Management
  • Risk Assessment & Management
Participants will learn how to:
  • Build their bench – lay the right groundwork for the future.
  • Enlist succession planning: 5 steps to building the bench.
  • Assess your skills using a management collaborative profile.
  • Develop your bench through mentoring (formal or informal).
  • Successfully coach others.
  • Assess developmental areas for subordinate personnel.
  • Be a better role model – enhance your feedback techniques.
  • Upgrade your teambuilding skills.
  • Develop your situational awareness.
  • Ensure any conflict is resolved before moving forward.
  • Enhance your best conflict defusing techniques.
  • Continue to increase your multi-dimensions skills.

Most of us know the importance of having well-trained and motivated people in the correct job on our team.  No doubt, you also realize the more challenging task is training people for the next job that will best serve the needs of the organization as well as that individual.

Succession Planning is easier and more doable that you previously thought.  Organizations delay this important activity because they don’t know where to start.  Cortel will make it understandable and easy by walking you through a logical decision making process.